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Rphylip: An R interface for PHYLIP

Rphylip is a nearly comprehensive R interface for Joseph Felsenstein's PHYLIP phylogeny methods program package. Rphylip passes user control of virtually all aspects of about 90% of PHYLIP programs to the R user, allowing PHYLIP programs to be seamlessly integrated into an R phylogenetics workflow.

Rphylip is now on CRAN. Rphylip can thus be obtained from its CRAN page or by typing install.packages("Rphylip") at the R command prompt.

The latest development version of Rphylip source code can be obtained from GitHub.

To use Rphylip one must (of course) first install PHYLIP. Any use of Rphylip in publication should include a citation to the PHYLIP program package.

Rphylip is the product of Liam Revell and Scott Chamberlain. It is a new package, and thus should be considered highly beta. Please direct any questions about the package to its authors.