Exercise 11: Introduction to estimating diversification rates

In this tutorial, we will use phytools to create lineage-through-time (LTT) plots and compute the γ test statistic of Pybus & Harvey (2010).

Lineage through time plots

To get started, let's load phytools & dependencies:


Next, let's load a tree from file: etheostoma_percina_chrono.tre.


Our tree is from Near et al. (2011). In it, they sampled 201 of 216 species from the group (93%) - but for the purposes of this exercise (and the next), we will assume 100% sampling. We can relax this assumption later.

Let's first plot the tree:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

Now let's use the function ltt in the phytools package to generate a LTT plot:


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

## Object of class "ltt" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 198 internal nodes.
## (2) Vectors containing the number of lineages (ltt) and branching times (times) on the tree.
## (3) A value for Pybus & Harvey's "gamma" statistic of NA, p-value = NA.

This is weird. Well, it turns out that our tree is not fully bifurcating, so we need to resolve polytomies to continue:

## Phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 198 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##  Percidae_Etheostoma_cinereum_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_blennioides_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_gutselli_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_rupestre_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_blennius_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_swannanoa_Near2011, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.
## Phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##  Percidae_Etheostoma_cinereum_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_blennioides_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_gutselli_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_rupestre_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_blennius_Near2011, Percidae_Etheostoma_swannanoa_Near2011, ...
## Rooted; includes branch lengths.
## Object of class "ltt" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
## (2) Vectors containing the number of lineages (ltt) and branching times (times) on the tree.
## (3) A value for Pybus & Harvey's "gamma" statistic of 0.2007, p-value = 0.841.
plot(obj,log.lineages=FALSE,main="LTT plot for darters")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

It is even possible to visualize the LTT plot with the tree overlain:

plot(obj,show.tree=TRUE,log.lineages=FALSE,main="LTT plot for darters")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Note that under pure-birth, the number of lineages should rise exponentially through time. By convention, and because it linearizes the expectation under pure-birth, we normally would plot our pure-birth trees on a semi-log scale, meaning that the vertical axis is on a log-scale while our horizontal axis is on a linear scale.

plot(obj,log.lineages=FALSE,log="y",main="LTT plot for darters",
## we can overlay the pure-birth prediction:

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

We might like to compare the observed LTT, to simulated LTTs assuming a pure-birth process of the same duration & resulting in the same total number of species. We can do this using the phytools function pbtree:

plot(obj,col="grey",main="LTT of darters compared to simulated LTTs")
## now let's overlay our original tree

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

## Object of class "ltt" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
## (2) Vectors containing the number of lineages (ltt) and branching times (times) on the tree.
## (3) A value for Pybus & Harvey's "gamma" statistic of 0.2007, p-value = 0.841.

Alternatively, the function ltt95 gives a (1-α)% CI for the LTT based on a set of trees. We use it here using a simulated distribution of trees, but this might also be useful if we have, for example, a set of trees from the posterior distribution of a Bayesian analysis:

title(main="LTT of darters compared to simulated LTTs")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

## Object of class "ltt" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
## (2) Vectors containing the number of lineages (ltt) and branching times (times) on the tree.
## (3) A value for Pybus & Harvey's "gamma" statistic of 0.2007, p-value = 0.841.

The γ-statistic

The γ statistic of Pybus & Harvey (2010) was designed to have a standard normal distribution for trees generated under a pure-birth speciation model. Let's test this with our 100 simulated pure-birth phylogenies:

g<-sapply(trees,function(x) ltt(x,plot=FALSE)$gamma)
hist(g,main=expression(paste("Distribution of ",gamma," from simulation")))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

## [1] -0.1960208
## [1] 0.6981871

We can test hypotheses about γ. This is done automatically with ltt or can be done with the function gammatest on an object created ltt. For example:

## Object of class "ltt" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 201 tips and 200 internal nodes.
## (2) Vectors containing the number of lineages (ltt) and branching times (times) on the tree.
## (3) A value for Pybus & Harvey's "gamma" statistic of 0.2007, p-value = 0.841.
## or
## $gamma
## [1] 0.2006739
## $p
## [1] 0.8409535
## multiple trees
## type I error
p<-sapply(obj,function(x) x$p)
mean(p<=0.05) ## should be close to 0.05
## [1] 0.04

Finally, let's simulate a tree under a different model of lineage accumulation - the coalescent - and see what the result is. Theoretically, this should result in a significantly positive γ.


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

## Object of class "ltt" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 100 tips and 99 internal nodes.
## (2) Vectors containing the number of lineages (ltt) and branching times (times) on the tree.
## (3) A value for Pybus & Harvey's "gamma" statistic of 11.2238, p-value = 0.
## simulate 200 pure-birth trees for comparison
title(main="Simulated coalescent tree compared to pure-birth LTTs")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

## Object of class "ltt" containing:
## (1) A phylogenetic tree with 100 tips and 99 internal nodes.
## (2) Vectors containing the number of lineages (ltt) and branching times (times) on the tree.
## (3) A value for Pybus & Harvey's "gamma" statistic of 11.2238, p-value = 0.

Written by Liam J. Revell. Last updated 2 August 2017.