This tutorial is about fitting multi-rate Brownian motion models (using phytools) and multi-regime OU models (using the OUwie and bayou packages).

Multi-rate models using phytools

The first exercise is designed to explore a model developed by O’Meara et al. (2006; Evolution) in which the rate of Brownian evolution takes different values in different parts of a phylogeny.

For this analysis we will use the function brownie.lite in the phytools package. This function allows us to input a tree with painted rate “regimes” - for instance, from a stochastically mapped discrete character - and then fit a model in which the rate differs depending on the mapped regime.

First, let’s make sure we have the anole tree & svl dataset that we used earlier in the course. You will need svl.csv and Anolis.tre.

Make sure you have these files in your working directory, and then read them in.


The analyses will we run in this exercise focus on one particular anole ecomorph, the crown giant. These large anoles have many unique features. We can create a vector that identifies whether each species is a crown-giant or not.

crownGiantSpecies<-c("equestris", "luteogularis", "smallwoodi", "noblei", "baracoae", "baleatus", "barahonae", "ricordii", "cuvieri", "garmani")
isCrownGiant <- anoleData[,1] %in% crownGiantSpecies

ecomorph <- sapply(isCrownGiant, function(x) if(x) "cg" else "other")
ecomorph <- as.factor(ecomorph)
names(ecomorph) <- anoleData[,1]

We can then use stochastic character mapping, as we learned earlier, to reconstruct the evolution of this character.

ecomorphTree <- make.simmap(anoleTree, ecomorph, model="ER")
## make.simmap is sampling character histories conditioned on the transition matrix
## Q =
##                cg       other
## cg    -0.09903616  0.09903616
## other  0.09903616 -0.09903616
## (estimated using likelihood);
## and (mean) root node prior probabilities
## pi =
##    cg other 
##   0.5   0.5
## Done.
## no colors provided. using the following legend:
##      cg   other 
## "black"   "red"

The data we will analyse is body size, which appears in our matrix as snout-vent length (svl).


We will fit both a single-rate and a two-rate Brownian motion model to the data using phytools.

fitBrownie<-brownie.lite(ecomorphTree, svl)
## ML single-rate model:
##  s^2 se  a   k   logL
## value    0.1362  0.02    4.0659  2   -4.7004 
## ML multi-rate model:
##  s^2(cg) se(cg)  s^2(other)  se(other)   a   k   logL    
## value    1.3136  0.685   0.0882  0.0141  4.0219  3   5.1587
## P-value (based on X^2): 0 
## R thinks it has found the ML solution.

This result shows that the two-rate model fits the data significantly better than a one-rate model. The reconstructed rate of evolution in the fitted model is much higher for crown-giant anoles than for other ecomorphs.

Multi-regime models using OUwie

Now let’s try to fit a multi-regime OU model using OUwie.

OUwie requires a special data frame with three columns: species name, the regime coding, and the variable being analysed.

svl_df<-data.frame(anoleData[,1], ecomorph, svl)

We can run single models in OUwie - for example, fitting a model where each regime has a different mean but all other parameters are shared.

fitOUM<-OUwie(ecomorphTree, svl_df,model="OUM",simmap.tree=TRUE)
## Initializing... 
## Finished. Begin thorough search... 
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
##        lnL      AIC     AICc model ntax
##  0.7684505 6.463099 6.884152   OUM  100
## Rates
##                  cg      other
## alpha    0.01397992 0.01397992
## sigma.sq 0.12290692 0.12290692
## Optima
##                 cg     other
## estimate 7.0642968 4.0419351
## se       0.8851028 0.1016899
## Arrived at a reliable solution

To really test this model, though, we can fit a whole set of models using OUwie. Note that the first two models here match the two models that we just compared using brownie.lite - and, in fact, the two programs obtain identical likelihoods and parameter estimates.

fitBM1<-OUwie(ecomorphTree, svl_df,model="BM1",simmap.tree=TRUE)
## Initializing... 
## Finished. Begin thorough search... 
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
##        lnL      AIC     AICc model ntax
##  -4.700436 13.40087 13.52458   BM1  100
## Rates
##                 cg     other
## alpha           NA        NA
## sigma.sq 0.1361648 0.1361648
## Optima
##                 cg other
## estimate 4.0659176     0
## se       0.1079716     0
## Arrived at a reliable solution
fitBMS<-OUwie(ecomorphTree, svl_df,model="BMS",simmap.tree=TRUE, root.station=FALSE)
## Initializing... 
## Finished. Begin thorough search... 
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
##       lnL       AIC      AICc model ntax
##  5.158688 -4.317375 -4.067375   BMS  100
## Rates
##                cg      other
## alpha          NA         NA
## sigma.sq 1.313627 0.08820534
## Optima
##                  cg      other
## estimate 4.02195048 4.02195048
## se       0.08733427 0.08733427
## Arrived at a reliable solution
fitOUM<-OUwie(ecomorphTree, svl_df,model="OUM",simmap.tree=TRUE)
## Initializing... 
## Finished. Begin thorough search... 
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
##        lnL      AIC     AICc model ntax
##  0.7684505 6.463099 6.884152   OUM  100
## Rates
##                  cg      other
## alpha    0.01397992 0.01397992
## sigma.sq 0.12290692 0.12290692
## Optima
##                 cg     other
## estimate 7.0642968 4.0419351
## se       0.8851028 0.1016899
## Arrived at a reliable solution
fitOUMV<-OUwie(ecomorphTree, svl_df,model="OUMV",simmap.tree=TRUE)
## Initializing... 
## Finished. Begin thorough search... 
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
##       lnL       AIC      AICc model ntax
##  8.824992 -7.649983 -7.011685  OUMV  100
## Rates
##                    cg        other
## alpha    2.061154e-09 2.061154e-09
## sigma.sq 6.718058e-01 8.723383e-02
## Optima
##                cg      other
## estimate 8.775604 4.01467757
## se       1.566700 0.08691293
## Arrived at a reliable solution
fitOUMA<-OUwie(ecomorphTree, svl_df,model="OUMA",simmap.tree=TRUE)
## Initializing... 
## Finished. Begin thorough search... 
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
##       lnL       AIC      AICc model ntax
##  21.71809 -33.43617 -32.79787  OUMA  100
## Rates
##                    cg        other
## alpha    4.666379e-07 2.347238e-09
## sigma.sq 8.027581e-02 8.027581e-02
## Optima
##                 cg      other
## estimate 4.9236096 4.00984731
## se       0.1320604 0.08317477
## Arrived at a reliable solution
fitOUMVA<-OUwie(ecomorphTree, svl_df,model="OUMVA",simmap.tree=TRUE)
## Initializing... 
## Finished. Begin thorough search... 
## Finished. Summarizing results.
## Fit
##       lnL       AIC      AICc model ntax
##  26.43487 -40.86974 -39.96651 OUMVA  100
## Rates
##                    cg      other
## alpha    3.2439389439 0.22073152
## sigma.sq 0.0001726062 0.09703856
## Optima
##                  cg      other
## estimate 4.99844996 4.00166003
## se       0.05673701 0.07524586
## Arrived at a reliable solution

Now we can compare the fit of all of these models using AIC weights.

ouwie_aicc<-c(fitBM1$AICc, fitBMS$AICc, fitOUM$AICc, fitOUMV$AICc, fitOUMA$AICc, fitOUMVA$AICc)
names(ouwie_aicc)<-c("fitBM1", "fitBMS", "fitOUM", "fitOUMV", "fitOUMA", "fitOUMVA")
##     fitBM1     fitBMS     fitOUM    fitOUMV    fitOUMA   fitOUMVA 
## 0.00000000 0.00000002 0.00000000 0.00000007 0.02700601 0.97299390

The crown-giant anoles do seem to have their own adaptive regime, and that regime has a different level of constraint compared to the other ecomorphs as a group.

Multi-regime models using bayou

Bayou uses Bayesian rjMCMC to identify regimes, and can do so in the absence of particular hypotheses. Let’s see if bayou can detect the unique selective regime of the crown-giant anoles.

First we need to set up priors for all model parameters. In general, it is worth thinking about this a bit. But I am lazy and will just use the defaults from the bayou tutorial on github.

prior <- make.prior(anoleTree, dists=list(dalpha="dhalfcauchy", dsig2="dhalfcauchy",dsb="dsb", dk="cdpois", dtheta="dnorm"), param=list(dalpha=list(scale=1), dsig2=list(scale=1), dk=list(lambda=15, kmax=200), dsb=list(bmax=1,prob=1), dtheta=list(mean=mean(svl), sd=2)))

Now, run the MCMC

fit1 <- bayou.mcmc(anoleTree, svl, SE=0, model="OU", prior=prior, ngen=50000, new.dir=getwd(), plot.freq=5000, ticker.freq=1000)

## gen          lnL         prior            Vy          K           .alpha          .sig2           .theta          birth.k         D0.slide            D1.slide            death.k         R1.slide            U0.slide            U1.slide            U2.slide            
## 1000         -7.25           -103.63         44.94           3.56            19          0.83            0.45            0.83            0.06            1           0.58            0.72            1           0.9         0.78            0.74            
## 2000         -4.98           -82.13          1.95            0.21            15          0.86            0.44            0.85            0.06            1           0.61            0.82            0.33            0.94            0.79            0.77            
## 3000         -6.95           -73.75          2.26            0.26            13          0.86            0.45            0.85            0.06            1           0.65            0.88            0.2         0.95            0.79            0.77            
## 4000         -6.56           -61.42          11.43           1.36            10          0.87            0.47            0.85            0.06            1           0.65            0.89            0.2         0.96            0.77            0.81            

## 5000         -5.35           -61.53          5.02            0.42            10          0.87            0.47            0.86            0.05            1           0.64            0.91            0.2         0.97            0.81            0.84            
## 6000         -6.99           -52.17          2.07            0.28            8           0.85            0.46            0.86            0.06            0.99            0.63            0.92            0.2         0.96            0.81            0.86            
## 7000         -1.14           -75.78          1.86            0.22            13          0.84            0.46            0.85            0.06            0.99            0.62            0.93            0.2         0.96            0.83            0.85            
## 8000         -6.6            -86.68          8.81            1.1         16          0.85            0.46            0.85            0.05            0.99            0.62            0.93            0.14            0.96            0.84            0.86            
## 9000         -7.36           -65.68          10.91           0.84            11          0.85            0.46            0.85            0.06            0.99            0.63            0.94            0.14            0.96            0.85            0.86            

## 10000            -5.94           -49.29          49.17           4.01            7           0.85            0.46            0.85            0.06            0.99            0.64            0.94            0.14            0.97            0.85            0.85            
## 11000            -6.24           -70.27          5.73            0.53            12          0.86            0.45            0.84            0.06            0.99            0.62            0.94            0.14            0.97            0.86            0.86            
## 12000            -4.12           -48.53          2.49            0.27            7           0.85            0.46            0.84            0.06            0.99            0.62            0.95            0.14            0.97            0.86            0.87            
## 13000            -6.45           -67.71          1.21            0.15            11          0.84            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.99            0.63            0.95            0.14            0.97            0.82            0.87            
## 14000            -6.99           -39.7           38.93           5.12            5           0.84            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.99            0.63            0.95            0.14            0.96            0.81            0.87            

## 15000            -9.53           -55.79          1.41            0.2         8           0.84            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.63            0.96            0.14            0.97            0.82            0.87            
## 16000            -5.55           -67.09          4.65            0.48            11          0.84            0.46            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.62            0.96            0.14            0.97            0.82            0.86            
## 17000            -7.66           -65.57          12.54           1.28            11          0.84            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.63            0.96            0.14            0.97            0.83            0.86            
## 18000            -4.6            -65.57          18.46           1.87            11          0.85            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.63            0.96            0.14            0.97            0.83            0.86            
## 19000            -6.75           -40.5           2.13            0.21            5           0.84            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.62            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.83            0.86            

## 20000            -6.37           -75.4           35.17           4.53            13          0.85            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.63            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.84            0.87            
## 21000            -4.86           -61.2           22.9            2.39            10          0.85            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.63            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.84            0.87            
## 22000            -7.75           -70.62          2.67            0.27            12          0.85            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.97            0.62            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.84            0.88            
## 23000            -4.98           -53.7           42.69           3.89            8           0.85            0.45            0.84            0.05            0.98            0.62            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.84            0.88            
## 24000            -6.93           -47.33          11.16           1.14            7           0.85            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.97            0.63            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.84            0.88            

## 25000            -6.82           -49.27          2.25            0.34            7           0.85            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.62            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.85            0.89            
## 26000            -4.07           -70.44          5.26            0.59            12          0.85            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.61            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.85            0.88            
## 27000            -5.52           -71.06          6.44            0.7         12          0.85            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.61            0.97            0.14            0.97            0.85            0.88            
## 28000            -6.2            -48.51          17.2            1.93            7           0.85            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.61            0.97            0.1         0.97            0.85            0.88            
## 29000            -5.72           -43.94          9.51            1.01            6           0.85            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.61            0.97            0.1         0.97            0.85            0.88            

## 30000            -6.6            -84.83          13.42           1.62            15          0.85            0.44            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.62            0.97            0.1         0.97            0.86            0.88            
## 31000            -3.25           -71.29          2.73            0.27            12          0.85            0.44            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.62            0.97            0.1         0.97            0.86            0.88            
## 32000            -5.73           -69.34          24.72           3.01            12          0.85            0.44            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.62            0.98            0.08            0.97            0.86            0.88            
## 33000            0.57            -55.25          1.5         0.19            8           0.85            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.61            0.97            0.07            0.97            0.87            0.88            
## 34000            -5.99           -57.7           2.12            0.2         9           0.84            0.45            0.83            0.05            0.98            0.61            0.97            0.06            0.96            0.86            0.87            

## 35000            20.99           -82.72          0.86            0.09            14          0.83            0.45            0.82            0.05            0.97            0.61            0.96            0.06            0.95            0.84            0.86            
## 36000            23.63           -89.2           0.63            0.05            16          0.82            0.45            0.82            0.05            0.97            0.6         0.95            0.06            0.95            0.81            0.85            
## 37000            17.23           -84.95          0.55            0.07            15          0.81            0.44            0.81            0.05            0.98            0.59            0.94            0.06            0.94            0.81            0.84            
## 38000            3.5         -53.29          1.42            0.16            8           0.8         0.44            0.81            0.05            0.97            0.59            0.93            0.06            0.94            0.8         0.82            
## 39000            16.46           -70.18          0.4         0.07            11          0.8         0.44            0.81            0.05            0.95            0.58            0.92            0.06            0.94            0.79            0.81            

## 40000            11.57           -66.62          0.75            0.09            11          0.79            0.44            0.81            0.05            0.95            0.58            0.92            0.06            0.93            0.79            0.8         
## 41000            8.22            -63.05          1.17            0.14            10          0.78            0.44            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.57            0.91            0.06            0.92            0.78            0.78            
## 42000            9.82            -76.94          1.71            0.16            13          0.78            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.57            0.91            0.06            0.92            0.78            0.78            
## 43000            0.44            -57.42          0.75            0.12            9           0.77            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.56            0.91            0.06            0.92            0.76            0.77            
## 44000            2.15            -69.7           1.74            0.2         12          0.77            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.56            0.9         0.06            0.92            0.77            0.77            

## 45000            -3.24           -66.69          2.69            0.32            11          0.76            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.56            0.9         0.06            0.91            0.76            0.77            
## 46000            -5.65           -52.47          4.46            0.46            8           0.76            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.56            0.9         0.06            0.92            0.76            0.77            
## 47000            -5.35           -56.62          3.55            0.37            9           0.76            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.56            0.9         0.06            0.92            0.77            0.77            
## 48000            -5.89           -48.21          3.74            0.44            7           0.76            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.56            0.91            0.06            0.92            0.77            0.77            
## 49000            -6.61           -57.33          4.35            0.46            9           0.77            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.95            0.56            0.91            0.06            0.92            0.77            0.78            

## 50000            -6.24           -53.4           5.2         0.46            8           0.77            0.45            0.8         0.05            0.96            0.56            0.91            0.06            0.92            0.77            0.78            
## bayou modelfit
## OU parameterization
## Results are stored in directory
## /Users/lukeharmon/Documents/teaching/rcourse_argentina/multi-regime/IGWZRDETON/bayou.* 
## To load results, use 'load.bayou(bayouFit)'
## 50000  generations were run with the following acceptance probabilities:
##   .alpha    .sig2   .theta  birth.k D0.slide D1.slide  death.k R1.slide 
##     0.77     0.45     0.80     0.05     0.96     0.56     0.91     0.06 
## U0.slide U1.slide U2.slide 
##     0.92     0.77     0.78 
##  Total number of proposals of each type:
##   .alpha    .sig2   .theta  birth.k D0.slide D1.slide  death.k R1.slide 
##     9107     4499     9128    21473     1153     1179     1201       18 
## U0.slide U1.slide U2.slide 
##     1216      427      599

Bayou stores results in a set of files in your working directory. To explore convergence and see your results you have to read them back in.

chain <- load.bayou(fit1, save.Rdata=FALSE, cleanup=TRUE)
## Warning: You have selected to delete all created MCMC files and not to save them as an .rds file. 
##                     Your mcmc results will not be saved on your hard drive. If you do not output to a object, your results will be lost. 
chain <- set.burnin(chain, 0.3)
out <- summary(chain)
## bayou MCMC chain: 50000 generations
## 5000 samples, first 1500 samples discarded as burnin
## Summary statistics for parameters:
##                  Mean          SD    Naive SE Time-series SE
## lnL        -0.3954114  9.00820297 0.152244674    4.108149509
## prior     -63.8423053 13.93439375 0.235500603    2.303039722
## alpha       0.3748011  0.38054788 0.006431514    0.135774751
## sig2        0.1538762  0.02613831 0.000441755    0.001644224
## k          10.3710368  3.09732710 0.052346906    0.498502382
## ntheta     11.3710368  3.09732710 0.052346906    0.498502382
## root        4.0217136  0.10726936 0.001812924    0.013006172
## all theta   4.1818798  1.42646302          NA             NA
##           Effective Size
## lnL             4.808215
## prior          36.607772
## alpha           7.855622
## sig2          252.716315
## k              38.604655
## ntheta         38.604655
## root           68.022467
## all theta             NA
## Branches with posterior probabilities higher than 0.1:
##            pp magnitude.of.theta2 naive.SE.of.theta2 rel.location
## 25  0.3033419            5.424547         0.05001458   1.65625501
## 116 0.2824907            5.986222         0.03093638   1.14375191
## 94  0.2547843            2.660055         0.04273313   0.68447820
## 91  0.1970865            6.446337         0.05591287   0.46267909
## 187 0.1408169            2.994196         0.09293359   0.66819562
## 98  0.1336761            5.573826         0.08103935   0.73985778
## 159 0.1282491            5.774159         0.06628641   0.35326955
## 6   0.1165381            4.558123         0.05768824   0.73826974
## 141 0.1162525            4.696853         0.08389168   1.04302176
## 184 0.1151100            3.850612         0.08128017   0.09815843
## 180 0.1136818            5.314325         0.06663091   2.17682561
## 28  0.1128249            5.633666         0.07390165   1.13315364
## 68  0.1091117            3.787517         0.06196159   0.22754712
## 14  0.1059697            3.978408         0.06711496   3.88538970
## 82  0.1059697            4.137644         0.07996407   0.37823302
## 47  0.1056841            3.322822         0.05544484   1.29346973
## 106 0.1051128            3.442847         0.08679734   1.41716504
## 70  0.1033990            4.604663         0.06668637   0.44752346
## 2   0.1028278            3.891608         0.03547618   2.70508628
## 51  0.1019709            3.312506         0.09266617   0.55295436

Now let’s visualize shift locations on the tree

plotSimmap.mcmc(chain, burnin=0.3, lwd=2, edge.type="theta", pal=colorRampPalette(c("black", "gray90")), show.tip.label=FALSE)

How do these shifts look in a phenogram?

phenogram.density(anoleTree, svl, chain=chain, burnin=0.3, pp.cutoff=0.3)

Results may vary - but for these it does look like there is something unique about the crown giants! Note that many features of these results suggest that we should have run our Bayou analyses for a much longer time.